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"The company's high standards and strong client focus are a good fit with my own personal values."

Craig Dealey

Craig Dealey

General Manager
Craig Dealey’s role as the general manager of NZFP focuses largely on the legal and technical side of the business. With a strong understanding of finance, numbers and people, he takes care of the back-office policies and systems, ensuring that NZFP is doing everything they can to support their ‘client first’ philosophy.

Craig is also the managing director of NZIPM (New Zealand Investment Portfolio Management). NZIPM is a licenced Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) provider established by the Principals of NZFP to provide investment solutions aligned to longer-term financial planning client needs.

A passionate advocate for financial planning, Craig has witnessed first-hand the beneficial impact it can have on people’s lives. With over 20 years in the industry, he understands the importance of purposeful investment advice and knows that financial planning isn’t just about preparing for the future –it is also about gaining financial wellbeing and peace of mind in the present. 

Craig wants to see the company’s message of financial wellbeing reach as wide a Kiwi audience as possible and is leading the charge on the strategy to achieve this.

“Financial planning isn’t about being solely focused on the end goal. It’s about knowing that you must still make time to have fun while saving for the future, and enjoy the journey along the way.”

Craig believes that financial planning is not about selling a product but rather, working with someone for the rest of their life in order to make a positive impact on how they live now and in the future. 

To him, purpose-driven investment advice is about peace of mind and helping clients to remove the uncertainties of their future, replacing it instead with a picture of possibilities.

“Clients often come to us stressed about money. However, after going through a proper plan with one of our financial advisers, they realise just how much they can achieve.”

Craig believes that the single most important benefit of working with NZFP –and the point of difference that sets them apart from many others – is that he knows his team genuinely care about the wellbeing of their clients and that they want to work alongside them to help them achieve their goals.

To him, the best kinds of clients to work with are those who are open to advice and prepared to commit themselves to their financial plan. He believes in the power of having a team of advisers who reflect the company’s philosophy – valuing honesty and authenticity.
Contact Craig

Life beyond financial planning

Craig has always had a keen focus on education and firmly believes in a world of life-long learning. He enjoys broadening his knowledge and discovering new things through ongoing education. He is an avid fan of listening to podcasts and reading as much as he can.

A family man, Craig is married with two adult daughters, describing them all as a close-knit bunch. He enjoys spending time with his family, whether on holiday, out for a weekend adventure, exploring or hiking. He also enjoys swimming, snorkelling, cooking, gardening, and has a keen interest in cars and planes.
Contact Craig

Craig's Featured Blogs

Coronavirus | Is My Financial Plan At Risk? | NZFP
By NZFP 17 Mar, 2020
With the real threat that coronavirus poses to investments and financial security, GM Craig Dealey offers advice and insights from NZFP.

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