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A Change in Circumstance

I own a business and my wife has stayed home to raise our four children. We love to travel and are very active on the arts scene but have also been committed to seeing our children through secondary school and university. It was important to us to make sure they start their lives on solid ground.

One afternoon, our circumstances changed considerably. Myself and one of our children had an automobile accident that injured us both considerably. I needed to be off work for nearly six weeks and he had to move back home to undergo rehabilitation. Our family was in a state of upheaval that included worrying about how we’d cope financially.

My wife sat down with our NZFP financial adviser and found out straight away that we had all the right insurances in place and that financially, we were going to be fine. Knowing this gave our family such peace of mind and freed us up to pour our focus into what really mattered - getting better.

I was so grateful that we’d been strongly advised about getting the proper insurances in place. It’s so easy as a Kiwi to take for granted that we’ll be alright and that our health system will look after us. However, having the right medical insurance for our son meant that he was able to access a level of care that might have otherwise put us into considerable debt.

Now we’re both recovered and doing well. I’m back on track with my business and am looking forward to retiring in about ten years. Our son has changed his career path after his experience and has decided to become a speech and language therapist.

We are truly grateful to our adviser as she really came through for us when we needed it the most. We trust her advice and feel that she is an integral part of how we achieve our life goals. We cannot recommend working with a financial planner enough. It has meant all the difference to our family.

Guiding Kiwis to financial wellbeing is what we do.

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