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It’s more than just the numbers – guiding you to financial wellbeing

NZFP • Dec 11, 2019

How a financial adviser helps alleviate worries about
your financial future

There’s now a substantial body of research that shows how stressing about your finances and future lifestyle needs can impact your overall health and wellbeing. Studies have found that people experiencing this kind of stress are at a higher risk of insomnia, depression, and even high blood pressure.

Feeling the pressure of low interest rates?

In our current financial climate, with the official cash rate at an all time low, there’s a significant lack of return from traditionally ‘safe’ investments. What we’re seeing is that, in this low interest rate environment, people are pushed into unknown territory in the pursuit of higher investment returns.

Perhaps you’re looking towards retirement preparation, and feel anxious about how you’ll sustain your standard of living in the next chapter of your life. Like many others in your situation, you might be seeking high-return investments – but you’re unclear about the risks and how to proceed.

Reviewing your finances for retirement can be overwhelming, not knowing whether you have enough to sustain your lifestyle can be stressful

A financial adviser is here to help alleviate your stress during the planning process.

The financial world is complex and can be daunting. The team at NZFP is committed to help you navigate a path through the noise. We aim to empower you with a financial action plan and a toolkit of skills – so that we can support you on your journey towards, and throughout, a secure and enjoyable retirement.

And it's not just about the numbers.

It's about focusing on what's important, and what will have the most impact to get you where you need to be.  

The support and expertise of a financial planner helps you sustain financial wellbeing, giving you the peace of mind of informed investment decisions – so you can worry less!

How we help you: 3 ways financial planning empowers our clients to focus on future financial wellbeing

1. We consider the bigger picture too

At NZFP, we’re breaking the mould of traditional ‘product-focused’ advice by instead taking a holistic approach to financial planning. When working with a client, this gives us a ‘helicopter view’ of all their influences, goals, and values. 

It’s about understanding what matters most to you – such as supporting your children, seeing the world, or simply being able to live comfortably – then forming a plan to align your finances with your goals.

Quality financial planning isn’t just about pushing for investment returns or capital gains – it’s about focusing on the lifestyle that will give you the most quality of life, and how that lifestyle can be sustained.

Supporting clients to prioritise what matters most is a huge step in fostering good financial wellbeing. Knowing exactly what you need to maintain your lifestyle is essential to manage financial worries, because now you have clarity and the security of an action plan! 

2. Learn invaluable skills for informed decisions

The most stressful and overwhelming part of planning your finances is not knowing what to do. It’s not uncommon to feel lost, or even helpless, when facing the task of reviewing your finances in preparation for retirement.

With the support of a financial planner, you can gain invaluable insight and awareness to make sound financial and investment decisions. It’s normal to have biases and misguided perceptions around financial decisions – especially when it comes to investment risk!

At NZFP, we’ll guide you to approach these decisions objectively and match the appropriate investment solution with your needs and your risk profile.

It’s about understanding the importance of investor returns over investment returns. Investment returns are a backwards-looking measure of a short-term gain, whilst focusing on investor returns allows for a long-term future-focussed goal of financial security. 

At NZFP, we prioritise investor returns over investment returns, because your future financial wellbeing is what’s most important. 

We equip our clients with a toolkit of skills and behaviours, empowering you to foster financial security long-term. 

3. We’re in it for the long haul

At NZFP, we’re committed to supporting our clients long-term – offering guidance past major milestones, support during difficult times, and celebration for every success! 

Within our team, it’s not uncommon to see a client-adviser relationship span over 30 years, and one adviser may continue to provide financial support to the next generation. It’s this ongoing dedication that allows you to develop confidence and security, especially in retirement.

Developing a personal and trusting relationship with a financial adviser will help you ease financial stress. Having expert guidance throughout important financial decisions, and building a plan for financial security, is fundamental to enjoy healthy financial wellbeing. 

“Find an adviser that looks beyond the numbers and sees you. That way you can be sure you will be well guided along your path to financial wellbeing”

Mark Hubber

Financial Adviser, NZFP

Studies show that greater financial wellbeing leads to a healthier and happier lifestyle. With a financial adviser and a retirement plan to guide you, you can enjoy the all-encompassing benefits of better financial security. 

Talk to NZFP to create financial wellness and security in retirement.

Excerpt from Mark Hubber
Financial Adviser at NZFP 
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