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“To me, financial planning is a relationship kind of business. I like to sit down with clients, find out about them and their family, their lifestyles, and their goals for the future.”

Mike Staal

Mike Staal

Financial Adviser, Auckland
Mike Staal is a financial adviser who cares deeply about maintaining a highly disciplined and professional focus on the big picture. He knows how easy it is for people to become distracted from long-term goals, especially when financial markets lurch between periods of over exuberance and undue pessimism.

In order to help his clients goals become a reality, Mike takes them through a step by step process to establish where they are at present and understand their expectations for the future. From there, he custom designs a financial plan to suit their needs and achieve their goals.

Mike’s professional career in financial planning has much in common with his recreational pursuits. He knows that the safety and success of any boating, fishing or tramping trip comes down to the quality of the planning – a belief he also employs across his financial advice.

Contact Mike

A professional career reflected in the tides of life

Mike helps his clients to develop sound financial plans that meet their lifestyle and monetary goals. The investment advice he gives factors in the importance of accepting the unpredictable nature of financial markets, economic and political events, as well as finding ways to help clients avoid undue levels of risk.

“Financial planning is about seeing the big picture and finding the motivation to stick to long-term goals. To me, the end goal is crucial and I enjoy helping my clients to achieve theirs.”

Acknowledged for his depth of advisory experience, Mike was among the first financial planners in New Zealand to be accredited with the internationally recognised Certified Financial Planner CM certification. Over the years he has also been actively involved in the development of professional advisory standards at both a professional industry body and government regulatory level.

Originally from Rotorua, Mike is married and has lived on Auckland's North Shore since 1982, where he is actively involved in a number of professional and community service organisations. His recreational interests include boating, fishing, diving, tramping and generally anything else to do with the great outdoors.
Contact Mike

Auckland Office

Phone: (09) 551 6100
Freephone: 0508 468 378
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address
PO Box 33-844 
Auckland 0740
Physical Address
Level 1,19 Como Street 
Auckland 0622
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