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Debra enjoys going that extra mile to provide high-quality support and give clients a positive experience.

Debra Harris

Debra Harris

Client Care, Dunedin

Debra is passionate about helping clients. She has worked for NZFP since 2010, and over this time has formed great relationships with the vast majority of them.

Debra enjoys going that extra mile to provide high-quality support and give clients a positive experience. She helps people to solve problems, assisting them with everything from filling out paperwork to using computers. Sometimes people just come by to have a chat and she loves this aspect of her role.

Debra can see that clients really trust the advisers and feel comfortable and valued. She thinks the most important benefit that NZFP offers clients is a hands-on, bespoke service and believes the business structure compliments this personalised approach.

Contact Debra

Dunedin Office

Phone: (03) 477-7477
Freephone: 0508 555 333
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address
PO Box 5844,
Dunedin 9054
Physical Address
Imperial Buildings
L2/1 Dowling Street,
Dunedin 9016

51 Morven Ferry Road
Arrow Junction,
Queenstown 9371
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